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the impact of Team Church 

In the summer of 2022, we unveiled a transformative vision for Team Church organization, extending far beyond its annual conference roots. Our dynamic ecosystem now encompasses an array of empowering resources designed to strengthen your organization. Our unwavering commitment to building teams that build the church remains steadfast, only now with a broader and more diverse approach. Join us in celebrating a remarkable inaugural year filled with triumphs, as showcased in our captivating recap video below. Together, we're cultivating strength within God's great church, from its core to its outer reaches.



Support Team Church

If you're interested in supporting Team Church organization financially, please prayerfully consider making a one-time contribution or setting up a recurring gift.



We all know that "where there is no vision, the people perish." Your support lets us follow Team Church's vision: building teams that build the church. Your giving shows your belief in this vision, and we're honored to have you as partners in this journey. Thank you deeply for your support. Your faithfulness and generosity inspire, motivate, and remind us that we're not alone in this mission. Your continued support shapes countless lives and helps us leave a lasting legacy. We're excited for Team Church's future ahead. Contact info@theteam.church if you have any questions.